Basic Rights Oregon

Basic Rights Oregon will ensure that all lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender and queer Oregonians experience equality by building a broad and inclusive politically powerful movement, shifting public opinion, and achieving policy victories.
Bottom Line for Portland
This year we're laying the groundwork for a ballot measure to protect our community's rights in Oregon's constitution, including marriage equality and access to life-saving trans healthcare, so that Portland will remain a haven for LGBTQ+ people.
“It is this lived experience of facing a hostile and aggressive state doing almost everything in its power to harm both the lives and liberties of the LGBTQ+ community that influenced my desire to intern with Basic Rights Oregon. BRO has been fighting for the LGBTQ+ community for over 25 years now, and it is thanks to their tireless work that Oregon has become such a safe haven for the community.” —Danielle (she/her), BRO 2024 summer legal intern
Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion
As an organization whose mission is to ensure equality for a historically marginalized group, diversity, equity and inclusion work is at the heart of everything we do. We serve all LGBTQ Oregonians with an intentional focus on racial and transgender justice.
Supporters who give $50 or more will receive a $10 coupon to a Double Mountain Taproom.
Double Mountain Brewery is a Pacific Northwest treasure who is supporting LGBTQ equality in our city through incentive gifts to their taprooms.

Basic Rights Oregon is in the Civil & Human Rights category which is sponsored by Davis Wright Tremaine.
They're a medium-sized organization with activities in Clackamas Co., Multnomah Co. and Washington Co.