Oregon Energy Fund

Celebrating 35 years of neighbor helping neighbor, Oregon Energy Fund's mission is to assist vulnerable Oregonians with their utility needs, promoting health, safety, and household stability.
Bottom Line for Portland
Low-income Portlanders spend upwards of 5% of their annual income on energy and the burden is even higher on Black, Latinx, and Native households. Those unable to pay are faced with a power shutoff, a devastating event that leaves families without the ability to prepare or store food; manage urgent medical needs like powering oxygen machines or refrigerating insulin; or take shelter from extreme temperatures. Last year, Oregon Energy Fund helped more than 3,500 of our neighbors in need around the state, including over 1,800 in the Portland metro area.
“Getting laid off was a real blow to my family. I am glad Oregon Energy Fund was able to help us keep our power on in our home so I can focus on doing what it takes to be employed again.” - John, OEF Client
Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion
Energy insecurity disproportionately affects marginalized communities, with many people of color, seniors, and people with disabilities spending over 10% of their annual income on energy. As Oregon’s only statewide energy assistance nonprofit, OEF is committed to prioritizing our vulnerable neighbors through accessible, low-barrier programs that are explicitly and emphatically anti-racist and anti-ableist. Last year, 53% of OEF clients identified as non-white, 55% were women, 11% were living with a disability, and nearly all earned less than 70% of the statewide median income.
The first 2 donors to give a gift of $250 or more will receive a Bennett Buddy package from Mike Bennett Studios (includes a "Slow Down" lawn sign, flamingo, stickers and a poster).
The first 50 donors to give a gift of $50 or more will receive a commemorative Oregon Energy Fund 35th Anniversary cooler bag, pen, and pencil.
Portland General Electric will post a call for donations to OEF through Give!Guide on their employee bulletins.
Pacific Power will post a call for donations to OEF through Give!Guide on their employee bulletins.

Oregon Energy Fund is in the Human Services category which is sponsored by The Standard.
They're a medium-sized organization with activities in Clackamas Co., Multnomah Co., Washington Co. and beyond.