Oregon Latino Health Coalition

The mission of Oregon Latino Health Coalition is to advance the health of Latino Oregonians through policy, advocacy, and prevention.
Bottom Line for Portland
Our work matters because we are breaking down barriers to healthcare access and empowering Latine households with the tools and knowledge they need to live healthier, happy lives. The Oregon Latino Health Coalition led Oregon to become the first state to provide public medical coverage to eligible residents, regardless of their immigration status or age. By providing culturally and linguistically specific education and resources, and advocating for equitable health policy, we are making a real-world difference in improving wellness, reducing health disparities, and fostering a stronger, healthier Latine community.
Our Community Health Workers helped a client enroll in the Oregon Health Plan (OHP). Our team has had the privilege of working with this individual on health system navigation.
“I am a single mother who came to this country with my little girl. I have been able to benefit from medical coverage from the Oregon Health Plan (OHP). Since the cost of going to the doctor is very expensive in this country, receiving help with transportation has been very helpful because I do not drive. Also receiving support with translators has helped me because I don't speak English. Thank you very much to this state because they are supporting me with this program.”
Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion
The Oregon Latino Health Coalition is a community-led organization that is focused on advancing health equity for the Latine community. We believe Latines need to lead discussions about the design and delivery of programs that reduce barriers to healthcare and resources that promote health and well-being. As a culturally specific organization led by Latine community members, we advance equity and inclusion in everything we do, from 1:1 assistance with accessing health care to community-wide education on health issues that affect us to policy change.
ALL donors will be entered in a raffle to win a $25 gift certificate from Kilo D’Cofi, home of the Cookie Cortado! You’ll also be entered to win a swag bag of OLHC goodies.
We invite Oregon Latino Health Coalition friends and supporters to join us on Nov 21st at Nico’s Ice Cream shop on NE Fremont. 15% of all proceeds from Nico’s ice cream will go to OLHC to help us meet our Give!Guide goal this year.
Business Partners:
Kilo D’Cofi is providing a $25 gift certificate for one lucky winner who supports OLHC through Give!Guide this year.
Nico’s Ice Cream will host an ice cream social on Nov 21st and donate 15% of the evening’s proceeds toward our Give!Guide goal.
Nonprofit Partners:
Free Geek is committed to including everyone in our digital future. They sustainably reuse technology, enable digital access and provide education to create a community that empowers people to realize their potential.
Pueblo Unido PDX creates hope for and amplifies the voices of communities with vulnerable immigration status by connecting them to legal, social, and Indigenous language interpretation services.

Oregon Latino Health Coalition is in the Health category which is sponsored by CareOregon.
They're a small-sized organization with activities in Clackamas Co., Multnomah Co. and Washington Co.