PDX Cat Trapper

PDX Cat Trapper helps feral and community cat colonies live their best lives by lessening their suffering and impact through TNR (Trap-Neuter-Return) while also supporting the communities that care for them through outreach, education and support.
Bottom Line for Portland
We are the only organization that is fully focused on trapping and sterilizing feral, stray and
community cats in the Portland metro area. .
Colony cat stabilization through sterilization!
Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion
The need for our services disproportionately falls on our most vulnerable and underserved communities. We are the ones who answer these calls without discrimination of ethnicity, economic or social status.
• The first five donations of $150 or more made November 7th through the 11th will get a set of 5 local artist designed cat stickers.
• The first five donations of $150 or more made December 4th through the 9th will get a PDXCT logo beanie.
• Matching donation of $250 from Positive Support Network for donations made during December 28th through December 31st.
• Register roundup donations made at checkout during November 1 to December 31 will be donated by Theresa's Country Feed & Pet
Nonprofit Partner & Mentor
Portland Animal Welfare (PAW) who helps the same community that we work with.
Business Partners
Positive Support Network who provides support services for adults and children with developmental and intellectual disabilities.
Theresa's Country Feed & Pet, Wood Village - a family-owned business that provides quality pet supplies and knowledgeable staff
Todd's Point S Tire and Auto Service at 82nd and Holgate -a great place to take your vehicle for tires, wheels and servicing

PDX Cat Trapper is in the Animals category which is sponsored by Meat for Cats and Dogs.
They're a micro-sized organization with activities in Clackamas Co., Multnomah Co. and Washington Co.