PDX Diaper Bank


In collaboration with partner agencies, PDX Diaper Bank provides diapers and diapering supplies to low-income families with young children, older adults, and individuals with disabilities living in Portland and the surrounding areas.

Bottom Line for Portland

Since 2012, PDX Diaper Bank has provided over 7 million diapers, cloth and disposable, to children and families in need. Equitable access to diapering essentials supports the health and wellness of our community, as well as eases financial strain for families during the pursuit of personal, educational, and professional success. PDX Diaper Bank maximizes its impact by distributing diapering essentials to a diverse network of local nonprofit and government partner agencies that provide critical services to individuals and families experiencing poverty (51 agencies supported in 2023). 


“Thank God I was able to get these diapers. If I couldn't get them today [to provide to the daycare center], I probably would have lost my job.”  -Local Mom, working towards housing stability and safety 


Baby2Baby, an in-kind diaper sponsor, will generously match 1 diaper for every $1 raised through the campaign (up to 20,000). Thanks to the support of Custom Comet, all $25+ donors will receive a free gift of an adorable “I give a crap about diaper need” air freshener.


Baby2Baby – A 501(c)(3) nonprofit that provides children living across the country with diapers, clothing, and all the basic necessities that every child deserves.  

Custom Comet – Creating out-of-this-world custom merchandise such as air fresheners, lapel pins, patches, stickers, and much more.

$20,556.14 raised of $20,000 goal
197 donations
103% of Goal
Visit Website

Year Founded: 2012

Tax ID: 455546960

PDX Diaper Bank is in the Human Services category which is sponsored by The Standard.

They're a little-sized organization with activities in Clackamas Co., Multnomah Co., Washington Co. and beyond.

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