Portland Animal Welfare (PAW) Team

The Portland Animal Welfare (PAW) Team saves lives, alleviates suffering, and keeps pets and people together by providing free veterinary care to the pets of people who are experiencing houselessness or extreme poverty.
Bottom Line for Portland
Each year, our volunteer-powered, grassroots organization serves more than 1,200 Portland Metro Area families by offering pet care essentials, drop-in wellness clinics, and ongoing medical support. From our Pet Supply Bank and home base clinic in NE Portland to our Off-Site Outreach clinics throughout the community, PAW Team is here to preserve the animal-human bond and help pets stay with their loving families by providing an accessible, affordable option for care.
“It's so great to hear how [our client's] have benefited from [PAW Team's] care and how the quality of their life has improved because of the care we are able to give them."
- Nikki Graf, DVM. Paw Team Volunteer Veterinarian.
“We've never been turned away and always left knowing our dogs are going to be OK…[my dog] takes care of me. She gives me a reason to keep going.”
-Doug, PAW Team Client
• Meat Match: Meat for Cats & Dogs will match donations dollar for dollar up to $1,000 on the Give!Guide launch day!
• PAW Team Merch: Donors who give $100 or more throughout November will receive a PAW Team merch item!
• Pints for Pets: Come on out to The Florida Room on December 3 for our Giving Tuesday fundraiser featuring a fun evening games, activities, pet supply drive, and drink specials.
• Photos with Santa Paws: Join us in person at PAW Team’s NE Portland clinic for our annual winter wonderland event! THE one-and-only Santa Clause is making a one-night-only special appearance at PAW Team and wants to see your pets! A $15 gift to Give!Guide gets your pet a photograph with our very own Santa, beverages, snacks, crafts, and more!
• Flux & Tux: Will match donations up to $3,000 during the closing days of Give!Guide.
Central City Concern - Helping people find home, regain health and move toward long-term stability and success.
Cat Adoption Team (CAT) - The largest cat shelter in the Pacific Northwest. CAT offers adoption, foster care, and veterinary services to homeless cats and kittens.
Northeast Emergency Food Program - As the most active food pantry in Oregon, NEFP meets the urgent food needs of nearly 10,000 people each month.
PDX Cat Trapper - 100% volunteer run organization improving the lives of community cats and the people who care for them, using Trap, Neuter, Release practices.
Transition Projects - Helping those experiencing homelessness transition successfully into permanent housing.
The Florida Room - Come on out on December 3 for our Giving Tuesday fundraiser featuring a fun evening games, activities, pet supply drive, and drink specials.
Flux & Tux: Will match donations up to $3,000 during the closing days of Give!Guide.
Meat for Cats & Dogs: Meat for Cats & Dogs will match donations dollar for dollar up to $1,000 on the Give!Guide launch day!

Portland Animal Welfare (PAW) Team is in the Animals category which is sponsored by Meat for Cats and Dogs.
They're a little-sized organization with activities in Multnomah Co. and Washington Co.