Street Roots

Street Roots creates income opportunities for people experiencing homelessness and poverty by producing a newspaper and other media that are catalysts for individual and social change.
Bottom Line for Portland
Street Roots is a nonprofit media organization intertwined with the lives of people experiencing homelessness and poverty, providing a voice, visibility, and opportunity to those who are too often overlooked, under-resourced, and rarely heard.
Each week, 150 Street Roots vendors stand on corners and city sidewalks, holding out a paper to you, their reader. This social and economic exchange puts income directly into people's pockets, supports cutting-edge, local journalism, and offers a moment of engagement that holds the power to change hearts and minds. When you support Street Roots and our vendors, you are saying YES to advancing equity, defending dignity, and building a city where everyone can flourish and thrive.
“Once you get to know what I'm about, what Street Roots is about, it changes the story a little bit for people.” — Vern, Street Roots vendor
“Coming to Street Roots is like coming home. Even when I have a jobby job and worky work and a lifey life, I’ll still be working at Street Roots. It’s a wonderful life.” — Donnie, Street Roots vendor
“I am thoroughly shocked and amazed and gleefully pleased about the Street Roots thing that I've discovered." — Coach, Street Roots vendor
“I tell them the sun’s up, so it’s a good day for Street Roots.” — Michael, Street Roots vendor
Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion
Inherent in our mission, Street Roots believes everyone is entitled to opportunity and dignity, and the freedom to reach their fullest potential. We recognize that Black, Indigenous folks and people of color are disproportionately impacted by socio-economic injustice, including homelessness, and solutions to that injustice means solutions for all. To achieve that goal, we must be intentional in our work toward equity, ensuring that those most affected by injustice have the most resources to fight injustice.

Street Roots is in the Civil & Human Rights category which is sponsored by Davis Wright Tremaine.
They're a medium-sized organization with activities in Multnomah Co.