PassinArt Theatre Company

Our mission is to entertain, educate, and celebrate our culture while highlighting critical issues that impact the community.
Bottom Line for Portland
By providing a unique stage for emerging and established Black artists and artists of color, we make empowering theatre available to everyone, especially welcoming youth, young adults, and people new to our communities.
When I say culture, I am speaking about the behavior patterns, arts, beliefs, institutions and all other products of human work and thought as expressed in a particular community of people. — August Wilson
Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion
Since 1982, PassinArt has provided training and opportunities for emerging and established Black artists and artists of color of all ages, abilities, faiths, and genders.
Donate $100 and receive an assortment of soulful African-centric notecards and envelopes featuring original artwork by Wanda Walden, visual artist, writer, and PassinArt's award-winning costume designer.
Donate $500 and receive four VIP tickets to opening weekend festivities for Dot by Coleman Domingo, 2 pm Sunday, March 23, 2025, Brunish Theater, 1111 SW Broadway, Portland. Meet the director and producers at a special post-show reception.
PassinArt thanks the team at Minuteman Press Lloyd Center for high-quality work and exceptional service.
Appreciation and applause to photographer Owen Carey for producing consistently beautiful photographs for PassinArt through the years.
We're stronger together!
Please support our Give!Guide nonprofit partners.
The Montavilla Jazz Festival is backed by people who believe that the diverse art form known as jazz, as a tradition and a practice, is relevant and necessary as a positive force for educating and building community.
Our 35th donor will receive two FULL Festival Passes to the 12th Annual Montavilla Jazz Festival - Labor Day Weekend, 2025.
Open Signal is a media-arts center dedicated to nurturing the change-making power of community media in service of a just, equitable world.
As it moves into its 17th season, Portland Playhouse continues celebrating the complexity of the human experience through the power of performance.
XRAY.FM radio is a culturally relevant center for ideas, music, and creativity in service of a more open media and a more just community.

PassinArt Theatre Company is in the Creative Expression category which is sponsored by The Oregon Cultural Trust.
They're a little-sized organization with activities in Clackamas Co., Multnomah Co. and Washington Co.