Zeb's Wish Equine Sanctuary

Zeb’s Wish rescues and provides sanctuary for elder and special needs horses, mules, and donkeys while creating a healing space for humans and the planet.
Our 3 key areas.
1. EQUINE WELLBEING: We rescue, rehabilitate, re-home, and provide sanctuary for abandoned, neglected, and special needs equines.
2. HUMAN WELLBEING: We connect equines and humans in ways that provide healing and growth opportunities for both.
3. ECOLOGICAL WELLBEING. We manage the sanctuary with an eye towards sustainability, managing stream and pasture health and connecting people to the environment.
Bottom Line for Portland
Zeb’s Wish currently has 8 Equines being cared for at the Sanctuary, 6 living in foster homes, and 30 living in screened adoptive homes. All are allowed the time, compassion, and space to blossom, to know unconditional love, to heal the way that works best for them, and to provide healing for others. Through this program, we are changing the interaction with equines from one of ‘usership’ to one of ‘relationship’ as they become the valued co-facilitators and teachers in the equine-assisted learning and coaching programs that happen on the Sanctuary. Zeb’s Wish is a place where equines are valued, people heal and grow, and the sustainably managed property is respected and cared for.
“Its just such a special place and it just instantly brings peace and rest and relaxation and connection and calmness. All the good things that we are out searching for. They are all right here” Amanda Leto
Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion
Zeb’s Wish holds a strong ethic of open-mindedness, kindness, and compassion, and we welcome all races, gender orientations, abilities, and faiths. We have represented Zeb’s at Portland Pride and have marched in support of our BIPOC community in Sandy and Estacada and are active with LGBTQ community groups. We also donate our finished compost to several community garden programs producing food for marginalized, low-income, and underserved families in the Sandy and Estacada area.
Alder Tree Vineyard, is offering free full-flight wine tastings and 20% off all wine purchases for ALL donors (21+ yrs of age).
Every donor over $1,000 receives a one-night ‘glamping’ stay for two at Zeb’s Wish in our woodstove heated creekside studio with horses, mules, and donkeys at your doorstep! This includes a tour with the founders.
Alder Tree Vineyard- A boutique winery in Sandy, OR. Alder Tree Vineyard offers estate grown and bottled Pinot Noir, Rose, Pinot Gris and Chardonnay.
It takes a village to address the need for Equine rescue and sanctuary in our area and we are proud to partner with Sound Equine Options who are an essential part of the area's safety net for equine's in need.

Zeb's Wish Equine Sanctuary is in the Animals category which is sponsored by Meat for Cats and Dogs.
They're a micro-sized organization with activities in Clackamas Co., Multnomah Co., Washington Co. and beyond.