Project 48

Project 48 is dedicated to supporting children experiencing foster care by providing essential items, mentorship, and life skills training during vulnerable and traumatic transitions.
Bottom Line for Portland
Children who experience foster care face a constellation of challenges, including higher rates of trauma, unstable housing, and limited access to supportive adults and services. Exposure to these adversities significantly increases the risk of experiencing homelessness, unemployment, poor mental health outcomes, and violence. Through targeted interventions and comprehensive support, Project 48 supports youth develop the critical life skills needed to become healthy and thriving adults.
“Project 48 is not like other programs - it really is special. There is so much that kids like me have to gain from being a part of Project 48. There are so many opportunities that we get because of Project 48, so if there is anything that people should know about Project 48, it’s that Project 48 is real, and it’s really making a difference. - Life Skills Participant
Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion
Project 48 was founded with the intent to create, promote, and sustain a culture and reputation for being an organization grounded in equity that leverages diversity and inclusion in all that we do. We continually look outward to enhance our understanding, skills, and expertise around DEI, as well as inward to understand better each other and our respective backgrounds.
As we advance our DEI work in the most intentional way, we will create trust and safety by engaging with our employees and volunteers to ensure that we are committed to highlighting talent and passion for the work that we do. Project 48 seeks to foster a supportive work environment that values all cultures, and where employees or volunteers at every level of the organization feel engaged, empowered, and a sense of belonging to fully contribute. These fundamentals are the root of creating a safe and positive environment that promotes DEI in every aspect of what we do.
We will continue to serve our youth community with the utmost emphasis on providing items for all youth that make them feel empowered, embraced, accepted, and loved. Project 48 believes that all youth deserve to feel valued, and their well-being has always been and will continue to be, the driving force behind our commitment to the highest standards of DEI we can attain.
Project 48 is proud to partner with CASA, Project Lemonade, and Kinship House during the season of Give Guide to promote awareness about Foster Care. We are also partnering with Tree to Table, Urbanite, and Portland Relocation Council!

Project 48 is in the Human Services category which is sponsored by The Standard.
They're a little-sized organization with activities in Clackamas Co., Multnomah Co. and Washington Co.